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Report showing more than a single line per record

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 1:44 pm
by Vince
I'm currently trying to create a report that will print more than one line of data per record.
I've tried using multiple bodies without success. The idea is to have about four or five lines of data, then a horizontal line (ruler) for each record in the result.
Any help would be most gratefully recieved :D

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 3:26 pm
by COBS Tech Support
You will first need to increase the width of each line on the report. Click on the body section of the report, then right-mouse, edit Body Properties. Double the row height (change from 16 to 32) for two lines, and increase by 16 for each additional line you intend to display.

To display multiple lines of information on each row, you'll need to place a script under the Formula tab of the field. For example, if you were creating a stock report and wanted to show the product code and the first line of the product description/title one underneath the other, you would have a script such as the following:

Return Stock->Name + CHR(13) + Stock->Title

There is no feature in CAPITAL to display a ruled line between rows. You could have a shaded row/unshaded row separation if you ticked 'Shade Effect' under Body Properties.

Remember that if you specify a script, change the field Code to a variable name of some kind.