Switching to multi locations
  • Mal
    Switching to multi locations

    by Mal » Fri Dec 15, 2006 8:54 am

    My company runs departments and now we want to run multi stock locations.

    In a test company we have moved all stock codes to a location called Q4. Each customer has either AA or TT on it in the department field.

    When I go to do a transaction, the department and location are picked up
    from the customer account, but I would like to default the location on all
    transactions to Q4. Is this possible?
  • COBS Tech Support
    Joined:Fri Sep 09, 2005 8:23 am

    by COBS Tech Support » Fri Dec 15, 2006 9:16 am

    Using Notepad, place these lines into a text file:

    Return { "Q4", "*" }

    Save the text file into your \CAPITAL\DATA folder where 'DATA' is the name of the company database folder.

    Rename the text file to R-DEPSET.MAC

    That should do it.

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