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Making field input mandatory

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 9:44 am
by Nat
I would like to ensure that operators always provide input on mandatory fields inside my master file management screens. For example, I want to make sure all customers have a customer category, all jobs have a contact phone number and so on. What is the best way to go about doing this?

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 9:47 am
by COBS Tech Support
To do this:

1. Select Special|Screen Builder from the main menu.

2. Open the screen you wish to work on.

3. From the Screen Builder main menu select File|Screen Script.

4. In this area you can control behaviours relating to the entire record.

Here is an example script with a few input checks to guide you, taken from the Service Manager area:

If Mode = 3
If IsEmpty(ScrRead("SMEMAIL"))
Echo("Sorry, you must fill in the email address.")
Return FALSE

If IsEmpty(ScrRead("PHONE"))
Echo("Sorry, you must fill in the phone number.")
Return FALSE

If SCRRead("Received") < Today()
Echo("Sorry, the received date cannot be less than today.")
Return FALSE

* Add more checks/conditions here.

* ...
* ...
* ...


If you read the help topic "Screen Builder Script Creation" you will find a table describing the various mode settings available to you. When Mode = 3 the operator has just pressed the "Save" button. At this point you can accept the record--in which case it will be saved to the database--or you can Return FALSE, in which case the record will not be saved and the operator must continue editing.

Use the SCRRead() function to retrieve the input from a field.

Use the Echo() function to display messages on what the user did wrong.

Use the SCRFocusOn() function to return focus (position the caret/cursor) on a particular field. (This just makes it easier/faster for operators to correct their mistakes.)