XLTMP excel files
  • Margaret
    XLTMP excel files

    by Margaret » Tue Feb 18, 2014 10:43 am

    I have 299 XLTMP Microsoft Office Excel files in the Capital System
    Prior to July 2012 they have contents –
    Since then they are 0.
    Didn’t worry much until now when one of them interferes with my backup to a zip file each afternoon.
    Can you organize them to delete themselves?
  • COBS Tech Support
    Joined:Fri Sep 09, 2005 8:23 am

    by COBS Tech Support » Thu Feb 20, 2014 7:50 am

    They recycle themselves eventually but that has more to do with their age than their number.

    It's unlikely CAPITAL is interfering with your back-up. If the XLS file is open it's because Excel has it open and Excel usually doesn't let anyone access an open file, including back-up software.

    Since it's really an Excel issue it's outside our control, sorry. Although your back-up software should be smart enough to continue past open files such as these. Most or all of these should be temporary files and therefore of low importance. If the file is missing from your back-up you can always potentially run the report again and regenerate the file.

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